Brother’s Ruin by Emma Newman: A Review

29964674Goodreads Synopsis: The year is 1850 and Great Britain is flourishing, thanks to the Royal Society of the Esoteric Arts. When a new mage is discovered, Royal Society elites descend like buzzards to snatch up a new apprentice. Talented mages are bought from their families at a tremendous price, while weak mages are snapped up for a pittance. For a lower middle class family like the Gunns, the loss of a son can be disastrous, so when seemingly magical incidents begin cropping up at home, they fear for their Ben’s life and their own livelihoods.
But Benjamin Gunn isn’t a talented mage. His sister Charlotte is, and to prevent her brother from being imprisoned for false reporting she combines her powers with his to make him seem a better prospect. When she discovers a nefarious plot by the sinister Doctor Ledbetter, Charlotte must use all her cunning and guile to protect her family, her secret and her city.
Brother’s Ruin is the first in a new gaslamp fantasy series by Emma Newman.


Brother’s Ruin is my first journey into the steam punk genre of literature. I picked this novel off the shelf due to the intriguing title, and in an effort to support more female fantasy writers, I purchased the book.

It was not the most thrilling story I have read, but it was short and quick to read. It is the first of a new series by Emma Newman, and it did leave me intrigued to continue the story.

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